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1068 entries.
David Pawson David Pawson from Plano wrote on July 2, 2024 at 7:48 pm
The last of the great vocalists. And the only great whistler! I only just learned of Roger's passing. He has always been my favorite solo performer.
Daslime Daslime from Nairobi wrote on July 1, 2024 at 7:24 am
Grew up listening to my land is Kenya he strenghtened my love for my country long live Roger🙏🕊🇰🇪
Karen Thompson Karen Thompson from Tampa wrote on July 1, 2024 at 6:09 am
Had the privilege of seeing him in concert twice. The Last Farewell is a favorite. I enjoyed his hot air balloon showing Africa.
Sven Nyberg Sven Nyberg from Bjärred Sweden wrote on June 26, 2024 at 3:22 pm
So sad, Roger live at Landsdowne is a great favorite of mine! ”I don’t believe in if any more, if’s an illusion, I’ve got to leave old Durham town, I’m being eaten by a Boa Constrictor!! So many menories! Thank you Roger!!
Kathryn van Heyningen Kathryn van Heyningen from Franklin, NC wrote on June 23, 2024 at 9:02 pm
I’ve seen and enjoyed many great artists, but the one that remains #1 was Roger Whittaker’s performance in St. Petersburg, Florida, about 30 years ago. There are hardly any words of praise that have not already been applied. What made that performance so significant, though his repertoire was narrower back then, was the inclusion of African musical instruments that most of the audience had ever encountered. He generated a palpable warmth and joy for his ability to share his gift with his fans. Too many entertainers become overly impressed with themselves, but not Roger Whittaker. He even flew his own plane across the Atlantic. He was simply the “genuine article,” and his parents, wife, children etc. are blessed with having a family member who has contributed so much to the world. I watch and listen to his concerts on a regular basis. So often, I find his voice, words, presentation, and tales still bring tears. A memorable man….we shall not look upon his like again.
Steve Steve from Erith, Kent wrote on June 21, 2024 at 8:56 pm
I remember listening to Roger way back in the early seventies and was bowled over by him. Never met him but always sensed he was a gentleman. When I heard he had passed I was deeply saddened. A great talent and a gift from God. May God bless you who remain behind and give you comfort
Matthew James Matthew James from Tulsa, Oklahoma wrote on June 17, 2024 at 12:24 am
Thank you Roger for all the great music and memories. And your music being there, helping me through the good times and bad. You will never be forgotten. -Matthew James Tulsa, Oklahoma (USA).
David Massaro David Massaro from Bristol, CT. USA wrote on June 15, 2024 at 12:39 pm
Rest in Peace. A truly fantastic entertainer. My wife and I had the pleasure of seeing him in concert three times. Always a great show. and she still talks about the time she got to shake his hand.
Alan Robson Alan Robson from Adelaide Australia wrote on June 10, 2024 at 10:44 am
Hello , Sad the read the passing of Roger , my Father went to school with him in Kenya and served in the Army with him as well, Frank ( my late Father ) spoke very fondly of Roger , they last caught up the last time Roger played in Adelaide.
myrna myrna from calgary wrote on June 6, 2024 at 8:28 pm
3 times I got to see him live here in Calgary. One time a couple had taken the closest seats we could afford, we tried to fix the error, but they wouldn't budge. The young gentleman said 4 people were not able to attend front row and center 2 of those seats became ours. "A little goodbye, a little I'll do what I must do." Today I cried.
Aaron Poley Aaron Poley from Simi Valley wrote on May 29, 2024 at 7:56 pm
I just read of Roger's death. Roger took some criticism and even derision for his style that some called, "Muzak," or other derisive terms. But his music first touched me in the mid-1980s when I was a child, and it never stopped being beautiful, touching and, yes, sophisticated. When I encounter or feel something hard or special, his music still goes through my head. For me, he will always be one of the greats.
Ergo Ergo from Los Angeles wrote on May 9, 2024 at 6:17 am
Rest In Peace! Roger Whitaker
Walter Johnston Walter Johnston from Blessington wrote on April 30, 2024 at 5:39 pm
We were all blessed to have listened to Roger and his wonderful songs. I have been a fan for years and went to see Roger play in Dublin. Wonderful concert, wonderful singer, forever missed. Rest in peace
Valerie Baker Valerie Baker from Chattanooga, TN wrote on April 30, 2024 at 3:53 pm
I am so saddened to learn that Roger Whittaker has passed away. My husband introduced the singer's music to me when were dating and our daughter, 24 now, but only 7 then, would sing "If I were a Rich Man Man" as her favorite song. I recall when she went to the dentist once and they asked if she would like to listen to music through headphones. She said she doubted if they had her kind of music. When asked what kind, she started singing! Precious memories for me! I will miss listening to what might have been new for him but will continue to listen what he has published. Blessings for all of the family.
Penny Penny from London wrote on April 27, 2024 at 10:50 am
Just found out that Roger passed. My condolences, he gave me so many great memories listening to his music.
Barry Huycke Barry Huycke from Calgary wrote on April 21, 2024 at 10:40 pm
Today was the saddest day. I Was very disappointed to find out that my favorite artist of all time died in September 2023. I am so surprised that I did not see anything on Facebook about it. Society is so stuck on this new wave of minority groups controlling the governments and the people that we have lost touch with what really matters in life. It was over 40 years that I discovered this man's music and I have to say I have every song he ever wrote. He was a man who did not bow to generational stupidity or to the changing of times where people twist what is great into something that is Anti-God and disgusting because of a feeling. Roger Whittaker's music never changed, never wavered from what he set out to accomplish and that was to bring joy into people's lives. I remember when he came to Calgary, I was broke but paid the ticket price to get great seats with the hope that he would come down from the stage, and he did and I was able to shake his hand. His music has been here for decades and will always be remembered by those of us who knew him by his music and his life. I truly believe that he has a place in heaven, it is sad that i do not believe that I have that blessing. I could go on for a long time about how his music touched me, but I will leave it at this. Rest well Mr Whittaker, you deserve it and you will be greatly missed, but never forgotten.
Woody Kerley Woody Kerley from Kittrell wrote on April 19, 2024 at 8:25 pm
I am 53 years old and I truly love Roger Whittaker's music and genuine personality. My mother introduced me to his music at a young age and he has always been part of my musical library. I wish to send my love and sympathy to all of his friends and family as he sure made an impression in my life as a musician.
Greg Hager Greg Hager from Valley City, ND USA wrote on April 19, 2024 at 2:59 am
Somehow, I missed the news of Roger's passing.... My tears fall... My life was changed because of his music. Thank you to TEMBO and the Whittaker family for sharing him with us for so many decades. I had the privilege of visiting with him for a few moments on two occasions. He was gracious and kind, and his gentle Spirit inspired me. The world is better because of Roger Whittaker.
Jack Jack from Vancouver wrote on April 17, 2024 at 10:33 pm
Worked at CBC Vancouver in 1975 and RW was in our Wolfman Jack Show. Not pleasant to crew but a magic voice on camera live
Jack Jack from Vancouver wrote on April 17, 2024 at 10:33 pm
Worked at CBC Vancouver in 1975 and RW was in our Wolfman Jack Show. Not pleasant to crew but a magic voice on camera live