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1052 entries.
Hans Breitenstein Hans Breitenstein from Denmark wrote on September 18, 2023 at 6:50 pm
Having loved Roger Whittaker's music since I was a young lad in the 1960s and seeing him in concert in the 1970s, the news of his death causes much sadness. There is noone like him and he can never be replaced. May Roger Whittaker rest in peace and his family find solace in what he gave them and the rest of us.
Anders Anders wrote on September 18, 2023 at 6:49 pm
I grew up listening to Roger’s wonderful voice and music. Thank you for the music!
Richard Douglas Craine Richard Douglas Craine from Bristol, England wrote on September 18, 2023 at 6:49 pm
Legend is an understatement. Roger's music was the soundtrack to much of my life from the classics from the '70's and '80's to his lesser known RCA recordings of the late '80's early '90's ,every one of them was heartfelt ,meaningful and sung with that exceptional ,honeyed baritone voice ,the way he interacted and held the audience in the palm of his hand was absolutely inspirational at his live concerts. A truly great entertainer who shall be sorely missed and remembered forever! Bless you Roger and thank you for the music!
Jody Carlson Jody Carlson from Fairfax, VA, USA wrote on September 18, 2023 at 6:46 pm
So sorry to hear the news. I've always loved his music -- the variety he performed and that soothing voice. I was lucky enough to see him in concert a few times.
Gerald Raath Gerald Raath from Cape Town South Africa wrote on September 18, 2023 at 6:45 pm
Kwaheri mzee; Roger was also at Prince of Wales School, Nairobi Kenya. Always loved never forgotten, his incredible whistling ability unparalleled and his songs delightful to us especially those Kenya related. So many of my Kenyan expat friends remember Roger too. Safari njema rafiki
Evelyn Calvert Evelyn Calvert from Camborne wrote on September 18, 2023 at 6:45 pm
Sat and had a drink backstage with Roger in the 70s in Münster. What a lovely gentleman. RIP Roger. Sympathies to his family.
Elizabeth Brown Elizabeth Brown from UK wrote on September 18, 2023 at 6:45 pm
Dearest Roger… I am deeply saddened to hear of your passing. You will be remembered with so much love and kindness and during my childhood years my home was filled with your beautiful music. God bless you dear… rest easy now and sing heavenly once more with the angels. Elizabeth. X
Jill Robinson Jill Robinson from Lusaka, Zambia wrote on September 18, 2023 at 6:44 pm
Another book of history closes. For those of us who grew up with you in Kenya, we are so proud to have known you. Your music follows us always. Regardless of where I live, I always have a CD in my car - makes me feel close to home to hear your amazing voice. Rest in eternal peace. Warm virtual hugs to your family at this unbearably sad time.
Terje Foss Terje Foss from Norway wrote on September 18, 2023 at 6:44 pm
Thank you for everything you gave of yourself. Your music will forever be with me and I have LP's on the record shelf so you will never be forgotten. Now you can whistle on for those who are in your place in the world.
Gerd Streufert Gerd Streufert from Faulenrost wrote on September 18, 2023 at 6:44 pm
RIP. Ein wundervoller Mann.
Kiprono Bullut Kiprono Bullut from NAIROBI wrote on September 18, 2023 at 6:43 pm
Poleni sana for this loss. May he rest in eternal peace. His song "my land is Kenya" would be played on radio by my father during our road trips through the countryside when we were growing up.
Rosalind Wallqvist Rosalind Wallqvist from Sweden wrote on September 18, 2023 at 6:42 pm
Goodbye Roger and thank you for all the music over the years. Safari njema.
Kathy Brandt Kathy Brandt from Windom, Minnesota wrote on September 18, 2023 at 6:42 pm
My husband Charles and I are so deeply sorry to hear of Roger's death. He has been a favorite singer of mine since I first heard him in the 1970's. We only had the opportunity to see him in person three times but I have worn out several cassettes and CD's of his music. May he rest in peace and spend eternity adding his wonderful voice to the choir of angels.
Geir Løkken Geir Løkken from drammen wrote on September 18, 2023 at 6:42 pm
RIP from Norway
Anja Anja from Nederland wrote on September 18, 2023 at 6:41 pm
Lieve Roger Whittaker Met pijn in mijn hart lees ik dat je bent overleden. Je was en blijft mijn grootste idool. Jou muziek heeft mij vele jaren er door heen geholpen vooral de Duitse teksten zo mooi en zo waar. RIP Roger ik zal altijd van je blijven houden en je hebt een speciaal plekje in mijn hart❤️ Heel veel sterkte voor Nathalie kinderen en kleinkinderen. Liefs je grootste idool Anja😪😪😪😪😪😪
Mike Stoltz Mike Stoltz from Barnsley, uk wrote on September 18, 2023 at 6:40 pm
Roger blessed the world with hits music. “Three seasons come, three seasons go.” Was my favourite, and that of my sons. His music appealed across the generations Rest In Peace.
Phil Pivnick Phil Pivnick from Oceanside New York wrote on September 18, 2023 at 6:39 pm
I have been a fan of Roger’s for almost 50 years. He has kept me company in my car as a sales person everyday for 40 years. I have never gotten tired of his music and his beautiful voice. I’ve seen him almost 20 times in concert and was able to meet him a few times. I think I have almost every song he’s had recorded in my IPhone. That includes some of the German songs. This is a very sad day. May his memory always be a blessing.
Steve Steve from Pickering, North Yorkshire wrote on September 18, 2023 at 6:39 pm
Condolences to Rogers, his music was a total inspiration to me and my 2 boys, they both loved his music especially Durham Town Rest in Peace Roger Much love, Steve Cawthorne and Family
Daniela Daniela from Frankfurt Germany wrote on September 18, 2023 at 6:39 pm
Many of his songs have accompanied me since my childhood and again a really big one leaves the stage and again you realize that we are all transitory and we are all just guests on this earth.. no matter who and what we are Thank you for the beautiful songs, which gave me courage, strength, joy and beautiful moments in different phases of my life rest in peace
Claus Iversen Claus Iversen from Rinkenæs wrote on September 18, 2023 at 6:39 pm
Dear Roger, thank you for the music and great performances. My sincere condolences to the family. ❤️